Rosa Shand | +44 7848931347
Eligible and available to work in the UK from July 2024

Client feedback

Rosa is exactly the kind of person who gives me hope that the future is in good hands.

It's easy to become jaded over time when it comes to project / programme delivery which has the adverse outcome of creating some type of zombie march to the finish line. Folks with Rosa's skillset and more importantly, mindset, breathe life into our work ensuring that we maintain a focus on storytelling, keeping the customer in the centre of what we do, and allowing us to bring our stakeholders on the journey in a collaborative way.

To me, this is what takes us from good to great.  Rosa has been absolutely instrumental in ensuring the work we've done in the project team goes beyond simply delivering the solution, but also ensuring that our stakeholders and customers can be taken along the ride in a truly meaningful way. All my experience tells me this is the way forward, and I hope we continue to bottle up the skills and mindset of Rosa to ensure the programme delivers meaningful outcomes in a collaborative way.

We've had nothing but amazing feedback on the work she's produced, and she's set us up really well as we get into the nuts and bolts of rolling out.

Client - May 2024