Rosa Shand | +44 7848931347
Eligible and available to work in the UK from July 2024
Behavioural insights research for a national ticketing system


Government agency

Public sector

Skill areas
Qualitative research
Behavioural science
Service design
CX design
Workshop design

I was a member of the customer workstream of a programme implementing a national ticketing solution. I was involved in several key pieces of work during my time on the programme as detailed here.
The opportunity
The board wanted behavioural insights into which payment method customers will choose when the solution goes live. 

The outcome

We were able to generate behavioural insights across seven different customer archetypes using the COM-B model of behaviour change. These were used to inform design of change interventions and as well as indicate where to focus our efforts for maximum impact. This work is ongoing but will have significant impact both lowering operational costs and improving customer experience.

  1. Chose a suitable behavioural science model of behaviour change.
  2. Conducted desk research and collated all existing research from client and stakeholders so as not to reinvent the wheel and clarify gaps in our knowledge.
  3. Created a research plan including the need for both quantitative and qualitative research and the best approach for both. This piece of research focused on the qualitative insights.
  4. Created a list of questions of what we needed to find out.
  5. Created a dynamic interview script and scenario walkthrough for participants to effectively uncover necessary insights in a way that would most closely simulate real world decision making in a simulated environment.
  6. Conducted interviews with participants.
  7. Analysed research.
  8. Presented key findings including behavioural factors and areas for change interventions.

My roleI led the research with support from my manager and director on the job.
This included:
  • I designed the research approach structured around a behavioural insights framework 
  • I wrote a dynamic research discussion guide and supporting assets
  • I spent two weeks interviewing representatives of seven different customer archetypes 
  • I analysed interviews to generate insights to inform change interventions and presented these in both a board pack and a comprehensive report

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