Rosa Shand | +44 7848931347
Eligible and available to work in the UK from July 2024

Selected projects

Note, all work displayed is intentionally illegible to protect confidential information and is to be viewed as an indication of working style.

Government agency

Public sector

Skill areas
Qualitative research
Behavioural science
Service design
CX design
Workshop design

I was a member of the customer workstream of a programme implementing a national ticketing solution. I was involved in several key pieces of work during my time on the programme as detailed here.
Behavioural insights customer research for a national ticketing system

The opportunity
The board wanted behavioural insights into uptake of different payment methods that will be available to customers when the solution goes live.

The outcome

We were able to generate behavioural insights across seven different customer archetypes using the COM-B model of behaviour change. These were used to inform design of change interventions and where to focus our efforts for maximum impact. This work is ongoing but will have significant impact to lowering operational costs and improving customer experience.


  1. Chose a suitable behavioural science model of behaviour change.
  2. Conducted desk research and collated all existing research from client and stakeholders so as not to reinvent the wheel and clarify gaps in our knowledge.
  3. Created a research plan including the need for both quantitative and qualitative research and the best approach for both. This piece of research focused on the qualitative insights.
  4. Created a list of questions of what we needed to find out.
  5. Created a dynamic interview script and scenario walkthrough for participants to effectively uncover necessary insights in a way that would most closely simulate real world decision making in a simulated environment.
  6. Conducted interviews with participants.
  7. Analysed research.
  8. Presented key findings including behavioural factors and areas for change interventions.

My role
I led the research with support from my manager and director on the job.
This included:
  • I designed the research approach structured around a behavioural insights framework 
  • I wrote a dynamic research discussion guide and supporting assets
  • I spent two weeks interviewing representatives of seven different customer archetypes 
  • I analysed interviews to generate insights to inform change interventions and presented these in both a board pack and a comprehensive report

Customer Experience Design & UX of a key piece of functionality

The opportunity
One of the projects within the programme required ongoing customer input into customer experience design of a key piece of functionality and the UX of a B2B website that allowed that functionality. The challenge here was balancing customer research and experience design rigour with what was achievable within budget, technical constraints and delivery timelines.

The outcomeThis work is ongoing but the consistent focus on customer needs and behaviours will ensure improved customer outcomes and lower operational costs through minimising unnecessary use of support channels. While we had to balance limitations of the technology solution with customer experience, we ensured that we advocated for the best outcome for customers at every opportunity possible.

My roleI worked as the customer workstream representative within this project alongside business analysts and a project manager. My work involved:

  • Designing the customer experience 
  • Creating service blueprints to map the customer journey to business processes and technology
  • Writing customer impacts for Design Authority papers
  • Creating presentations for the design authority and the board 
  • Creating reference materials to communicate our work to the wider program
  • Designing and facilitating workshops to get input from our wide range of stakeholders
  • Conducting a UX review of an administrative B2B website including reviewing wireframes from the solution provider; presenting wireframes and facilitating discussions to gather feedback from a group of stakeholders and customers; prioritising feedback items with the solution provider
  • Designing a high level, multi channel customer support system including different support channels and functionality and where channels would intersect and impact on customer experience

Client feedback:
Rosa is exactly the kind of person who gives me hope that the future is in good hands.

It's easy to become jaded over time when it comes to project / programme delivery which has the adverse outcome of creating some type of zombie march to the finish line. Folks with Rosa's skillset and more importantly, mindset, breathe life into our work ensuring that we maintain a focus on storytelling, keeping the customer in the centre of what we do, and allowing us to bring our stakeholders on the journey in a collaborative way.

To me, this is what takes us from good to great.  Rosa has been absolutely instrumental in ensuring the work we've done in the _ team goes beyond simply delivering the solution, but also ensuring that our _ colleagues and customers can be taken along the ride in a truly meaningful way.
All my experience tells me this is the way forward, and I hope we continue to bottle up the skills and mindset of Rosa to ensure the programme delivers meaningful outcomes in a collaborative way.

We've had nothing but amazing feedback on the work she's produced, and she's set us up really well as we get into the nuts and bolts of rolling out.


I’m really appreciating her ability to see through the grey (of which there is plenty!) to define how things should / could work. She’s got a really good handle of what the customer would expect and is able to point out ways to improve the experience in pragmatic and useful ways.

Programme narrative design

The opportunity
The programme had grown in size and needed increased internal communications so that employees and stakeholders alike had shared understanding of the purpose of the work, the structure of the programme and delivery timelines. 

The outcomeThis became a key artefact for the programme and sparked productive conversation across the complex group of stakeholders at our all of programme away day. 

My roleI inherited a working document from my associate director who was on leave and worked directly with the Executive Sponsor / Programme Director as well as the Delivery Director to evolve the work. I then spent a day on site in the office engaging with and collecting feedback from new staff members, project managers and business analysts as input to refine the storytelling logic and key messages.

Government agency

Public sector

Skill areas
Systems thinking
Visualising complex information
Workshop design & asset creation

This project sought to develop an ecosystem level implementation plan to government strategy to improve national health & safety outcomes in Aotearoa New Zealand
Facilitating ecosystem level collaboration across the Health & Safety ecosystem

OpportunityThis project sought to develop an implementation plan to build on the existing government health & safety strategy document. The key aspect to our involvement in this project was to facilitate collaboration and an ecosystem approach across key government entities, industry specialists and union group representatives.

OutcomeThrough this work we were able to bring together this diverse group of stakeholders who were not used to working in a collaborative, sprint style of working to align to a shared vision, build collegiality and build clear change impetous and direction. 

My roleAs an analyst working with an associate director,  I took the lead on
  • Visual storytelling and visualing complex information
  • Storytelling of intervention logic
  • Workshop design and assets for a complex group with no prior experience working in a workshop or sprint style
  • Deliverable design

Public transport authority

Public sector

Skill areas
Journey mapping
Customer personas

This project sought to facilitate and establish an ecosystem approach to Health & Safety in Aotearoa.
Customer experience sprint for a key piece of public transport infrastructure

OpportunityOur client were working on the final stages of the design of a key public transport hub. They had detailed plans including rendered fly through videos from architects, engineers and wayfinding designers and wanted to ensure that all of these plans holistically served the needs of the customers who would be using this space. 

OutcomeWe created a set of assumptive customer personas and mapped their journeys through the station to create a prioritised set of moments that matter with recommendations. 
Examples include:
  • The customer service desk was positioned in a way where customers would have to queue blocking the entrance to the ticketing gates likely causing a bottleneck and accessibility issues
  • Likely area of crowding on platform blocking desire line to accessibility area
  • First journey support
  • Station storytelling
  • Disruptions

My roleI worked as part of a team of two, myself and a senior analyst to run a sprint process with members from our client working from plans, fly throughs and with a wayfinding agency to review the customer experience for users of the station.  
This involved creation of:
  • sprint plans
  • assumptive personas 
  • journey maps 
  • prioritised list of moments that matter, considering impact on customers and impact on patronage

Large insurance company

Private sector

Skill areas
Programme narrative

This engagement was part of a multi-year, enterprise wide digital & data transformation journey of a financial services company which provided insurance products and services through well recognised brands.

The aim was to digitise the end to end insurance experience - not full of manual processes, legacy systems and long delays that put pressure on internal people, partners, processes and technology.
Human centred digital transformation for a large insurance company

OpportunityThis insurance company needed design and implementation of a scaled agile delivery model to accelerate delivery performance and enable organisational change.

  • Internal branding for this transformation and working hub spaces
  • Design and rollout of the future delivery model
  • Engaging playbooks to guide staff members on the journey

My roleI worked alongside a team supporting with various parts of the engagement including:

  • Internal project branding to distinguish this transformation work from other work within the business
  • Creation of a collaborative physical hub space including visual project management tools and agile artefacts
  • Assisting a manager to run design sprints
  • Assist another manager to develop a visualisation of the agile service delivery model
  • Delivery model narrative  
  • Agile delivery artefacts

Insurance company

Private sector

Skill areas
Journey mapping
Customer personas
Workshop design

This engagement was part of a technology transformation journey to  
Customer journey mapping the claims experience for an insurance provider

Opportunity Understand the future tech capabilities required to support an ideal future state customer experience.

OutcomeI supported a team of tech consultants to design and run a series of workshops with the client to map the customer journey of the claims process, identifying current state pain points and ideal future state.

My role